Friday, September 21, 2012

Work in Japan as graphic artist, advertising? How about starting a business

Work in Japan as graphic artist, advertising? How about starting a business?
This is more of a what-if? question. As at this point, I don't seriously intend to move to Japan but like to think about it...We (wife + I ) would want to be in Kyoto (or maybe elsewhere in Kansai - but mostly Kyoto) I have 20+ years self employed experience in graphic arts, illustration, design (Mac) - as well as copy-writing, art direction.. I currently work mostly for fashion, retail and travel clients, I have a strong work ethic.. I know there is a lot of English marketing and design already in Japan and with my experience I imagine I would be a terrific asset to a small firm.. I can also draw "kawaee" little logo characters, and do a lot of "youth-oreinted' kind of work. any ideas if I could find work easily? what kind of pay? If I were to re-locate and cash out my assets here, would have in the neighbourhood of 50million Yen. How easy would it be for a Gaijin to buy a home or start a (izakaya) business with that kind of money? domo arigato - okini! ; )
Japan - 2 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can buy a house and start business. Only and the biggest problem is that whether you speak Japanese or not. Mostly ppl doesn't speak English in Japan. English is not official language either.
2 :
The most important thing will be whether you speak Japanese or not. Though many people in Japan speak English as a second language, it's not anywhere near official and you will have a seriously hard time finding clients. Also, getting a visa will be very hard if not impossible. You would be better off trying to get a job with a company there and hoping you can get a visa that way. Otherwise, just take a vacation and come back home. Japan is a wonderful and beautiful place (it did give me my fiance), but they are not too good about allowing foreigners to move to their country. In fact, you basically can't get a visa without a bachelor's degree. If you want to buy a home and start a business both, then you would need more money, but I have not done enough research on this to give you a firm answer. My fiance is moving here, because we found that we both can make more money here in California and the cost of living is much less. If you do speak Japanese, then I wish you much luck, you will definitely need it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

i want to learn japaneese if i learned then can i work in japan i am software engineer.

i want to learn japaneese if i learned then can i work in japan i am software engineer.?
i am a software engineer . i want to find a job in japan if i learned japaneese then can i go to japan. where should i learn japanese in india. please give me any information regarding this topic.
Japan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it is not that easy to work in Japan They are a close society, not an immigrant society like US, Canada and Australia Korean who live there for several generations are still being finger printed. All foreigners are finger printed
2 :
Yes you can. There are many Indians in Tokyo working in the IT industry. You don't need to learn Japanese. You do need to find a company in Japan to sponsor your work visa.
3 :
Since you are not Black, Japan will be very open to you. You will be able to find work and easy women.
4 :
It is hard to find jobs for foreigners outside of the esl teaching world. It is worth a chance though. Look at this site. I lived in Japan for 3 years.

Friday, September 7, 2012

will my US unlocked blackberry work in Japan with a soft bank prepaid sim card

will my US unlocked blackberry work in Japan with a soft bank prepaid sim card?

Cell Phones & Plans - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yes sure

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Can a foreign white man get work in Japan doing something in the AV industry

Can a foreign white man get work in Japan doing something in the AV industry?

Japan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Good grief. No wonder you can't find any Japanese girls to bonk you. You must be seriously desperate to get your hands on those poor girls, or at least your eyes on them. To answer your question, the easiest AV job for a big yin to get into may well be smuggling the said AV products out of Japan in your underwear. You know, instead of the rolled up socks you might already have in there? That counts as doing something in the AV industry, doesn't it?
2 :
Your questions are as silly as they come. You won't find work in Japan anytime soon so do something else
3 :
If you look hot and got a big tool, you can audition for being an AV actor.
4 :
Yes. Look at the answer here. This is the typical Anglo-Saxon guilt, fear, horror at thinking about or making reference all things sexual or related to the physical aspect of the human body. You are still living in Victorian England, the descendant of Puritans. Just like us Americans. In America, you can show a movie where people are mutilated, tortured, electrocuted, decapitated, and blown up. You can watch footage from Nazi records of concentration camps. But you cannot see a nipple or pubic hair on TV. People's sanity goes all out the window. The Big Yin is a ball of pent-up sexual frustration, waiting to explode. The other day he was asking where to meet girls who were interested in a serious relationship. Now he's seriously interested in a relationship with JAV. Please tell me why a consenting adult should not be allowed to alleviate a potentially dangerous state of frustration by looking at AV or shacking up with a prostitute. (especially if Yin is a sociopath...) Is it better to break a girls heart--to promise her the world and profess your love to her just long enough to put another notch on the bedpost? And give her an STD and inferiority complex? Is it better to manipulate, lie, and play with people's emotions? If you just want a straight up physical relationship, maybe professionals are better for the job. I'm a libertarian so I think drugs and prostitution should be legalized and regulated by the government, and taxed, it would be a great source of revenue for the government. And then you get responses like "no you can't, stupid." Wow, that's deep man. I've never seen you use a word that had more than one syllable, or make your own original point instead of waiting for someone else's opinion and summarizing it.